Is it Bier Uur yet?

The Escalacie Playlist

Music to our ears

Cultural heritage

National beer pong champion of 2018

We are the proud hosts of the two national beer pong champions of 2018! During the national competition of beer pong, hosted by TMC on the 4th of March, 2018, two prominente representatives have shown the rest of the Netherlands how beerpong should be played. 'Vo!

Prominente members

'Vo voor de leden!

Person 1

T. J. Dyer

Commisionar of international affairs

Person 3

M. P. J. Eriks

De broodjeskaner

Person 3

R. M. Dekker


Person 3

J. Th. Pruim

Person 3

Person 3

J. V. Smit



Person 3

K. van der Meulen

Treasurer of Life

Person 3

L. Knipping

M. Knipping
S. Knipping
Person 3

A. Valea


Person 3

R. P. Rodenburg


Ex-Prominente leden

'Vo voor de alumni!

Person 1

B. A. Mintjes

Harde Sjonnie

Person 3

R. K. IJpma


Person 3

L. V. van Beek


Person 4

H. de Vries

Grachtendouwer #5

Person 5

T. Vos


Person 5

A. Wouda


Person 5

S. Vermeulen


Person 5

S. F. Buijsman


Een bier is geen bier

Pic 01

Bier is voor iedereen

You don't drink beer? No problem! Drink beer!

Pic 02

Faccionem Cartellum

"Quousque tandem factionem cartellum et officiorum machina patientia nostra abutitur, dum navis pretoria ressurectionis ad profi(cis?)cendum parata est"